Welcome to my tarot business, Blue Tiger's Eye Tarot. I hope to post a blog here at least once a week, and the topics will range from myself to the art of tarot.
To kick this off, I would like to properly introduce myself. My name is Kelly, and I have been reading for nearly 20 years now. My first deck was given to me by my third and fourth grade teacher, who became a second mother to me during the course of our tutoring sessions that occurred in the off seasons of school. I was young at the time so I didn't think twice about the gifts she would give me, I was always just so happy to be given something! But looking back, I realize the gifts of a tarot deck, meditation stones and CDs, and crystals might have been a little peculiar to some.
However, as young children do, I just kind of set aside these gifts and would come back to them on and off throughout the following years.
Fast forward to my college years, where I met a Brujeria who, again, introduced me to yet another set of spiritual practices. Being the stubborn person I am, I learned, and then just pushed it to the back of my mind.
You see, I was a very logical and rationale based person. I liked to stick to the facts and the scientific evidence of things. And, what I was learning at that time, didn't measure up for me.
Finally I found an amazing witchy Facebook group by the name of Lunares Alchemia. Lynne Miller (can be followed at Witchbomb Willow) taught a number of topics. But what was different about her was she taught from a standpoint of the mathematics and science behind witchcraft. I quickly found the connection I had missed before. I fell in love with all the things she taught, and was eager to learn more. Especially when it came to tarot.
Picking up my deck again, I devoted my time and energy to learning everything I could about it. This is where I found out I had a natural knack for reading.
I expressed my interest in doing readings in the lunares group, and the members and Lynne asked me to try out readings for them, so I did. And this is where I found out what I could "see" using the cards wasn't what a normal reader could see. I was getting messages beyond just the typical card meanings. Lynne encouraged me to start my own reading business, and that's when I created my own Facebook page "Blue Tiger's Eye Tarot".
Fast forward, Lynne brought on some other teachers in the lunares group. This is where I met the famous Dr. Reverend Aaron Davis. I took some of his amazing courses through the Blackthorne school, and told him about my readings. He had me do one for him, and from there he encouraged me to expand my reading business to this very website.
And that's where we are now.
I would like to continue this blog series by starting off a discussion on the meanings behind the tarot cards. Look for my next blog post where I will begin this conversation with the story behind the Major Arcana!!