The Fool continues his journey, leaving The Hermit with a lantern in his hand. He just so happens to fall upon The Wheel of Fortune. Yup. It’s time he faces fate.
Life has it's ups and downs. And me being Greek, I was taught from a very young age that we had no control over that wheel turning. It was our fate or just our luck.
The Wheel of the Year turns as we move through the seasons and turns without being controlled. It transforms as it is ever turning.
This card is riddled in symbolism. We see a winged human, ox, lion and eagle. This actually represents the four faces of the angel in the Book of Ezekiel. And those letters on the wheel? They spell T A R O. Taro, rota, tora.
But this is where it gets deeper. The circle in the middle is divided into eight pieces, and there are also four symbols inside the wheel: mercury, sulfur, water and salt. This represents the Three Principals aa well Four Elements.
Earth, Water, Air and Fire are the elements we know exist, along with spirit.
Earth is material/physical, water is emotional/intuition, air is thought/intellect)
and fire is energy/passion, in tarot.
Soo.. what are the Three Principals? The Three Principals are salt, mercury and sulfur.
Salt represents the body, sulfur is the soul and mercury is the spirit.
The sphinx, the snake, and Anubis surround the wheel and can be understood as the way the wheel moves our lives.
The Wheel of Fortune is saying that everything changes and evolves in our lives. So The Fool bravely faces the wheel, and he asks "What changes do I want to make?"
Every day he is growing, and he is the creator. Luck is on his side and he can turn the page of this book whenever he wants.