So sorry it’s been so long everyone!! Let’s continue on with our journey, and learn more about the Fool’s story!! Read my previous posts to get up-to-date!!
My favorite saying is that we reap what we sow.
To me, this card means that everything will work out in the end- as long as it’s for your greater good. Yup, Karmic justice is what’s going to puts us all back in balance at the end of the day. That big sword? It represents B A L A N C E. Just like the scales.
She sits between two columns, much like The High Priestess, and notice there is no blindfold on her like how the Lady of Justice is typically represented. It’s because She sees you. Right through you to your soul.
Soooo how many of you associate this card with the creation of a new reality?
She might be able to see exactly what you’ve done and what you are, but we do have the chance to change the outcome. That cloth behind her? We can't see our future, but we can create it.
But whatever you create, whatever you put out there, there will have to be some form of balance that equates to the energy you sent out. Justice is that balance. Justice is going to adjust those scales.
Think about that for a minute. Cause and effect means everything we put out causes what is known as the ripple effect.
Let’s talk about the universal laws of magick, there is one that states:
“What you put out comes back”.
You reap what you sow. ~ Law of Cause and Effect
Every action, thought or deed that you partake in has a consequence. So that being said, this card can also be about manifestation. Bottom line is that we all live by universal law.
So the lesson to The Fool today is that He can control His future by controlling Himself.